

COATS FOR KIDS: Coats for Kids program donated seventy-five coats to the Catholic Parish Outreach (CPO) run by the Raleigh Diocese.

HELPING HANDS: We volunteer to help people and community. Homebound Visitations: Support Brothers at home or in assisted living by personal visits or transportation to activities. Family Support: Help homeless families establish financial creditability and become self-supporting. Veterans Affairs: Donations and volunteer activity. Adopt a Highway: Clean four miles of roads quarterly. Social Outreach: Work with local organizations such as Oak City Outreach, and Raleigh Rescue Mission. Prison Ministry – Visit local prisons, focusing on building relationships and fostering inmate spirituality. Knight Riders: Assist and convey homebound persons to weekly mass.

HABITAT FOR HUMANITY: Brothers attend a group day build at the Catholic Coalition house in Raleigh, and we awarded a $1,000 donation to Habitat. Individual members also volunteered additional working days on the Habitat house.

DISASTER PREPAREDNESS: Our Council has surveyed our Brothers’ expertise and skill sets that can be brought together when the next inevitable disaster strikes our community, and we intend to be there and to help those in need.

OTHER PARISH COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: We usually do Sunday pancake breakfasts quarterly, two dinners and occasional teen/adult dances with live bands. Brothers are always available to help in organizing, coordinating and to participate in parish work teams, youth, picnic, service, prayer, and spiritual events. Brothers, give countless volunteer hours and a have a fun time in doing so.