

MARCHES FOR LIFE: Brother Knights and family members attend the annual Life Marches —locally in Raleigh NC and nationally in Washington DC. The marches as well as the Novena for Life will take place during January 2023. Plans are that about 20 Council Brothers typically participate in either or both marches and many parishioners usually attend as well.

PRO LIFE ACTIVITIES: We are dedicated to activities during the year. During January (Pro Life Month) we actively promote the Novena for Life and partner with our parish to sponsor a Holy Hour for Life. During the 40 days of Life, we hosted a showing of the movie “Unplanned” or other program at the parish and seek Brothers to stand in the life chain in witness against abortion. Council annually donates about $7,000 to Pro-life entities: Birth Choice, Life Gala, Center for Bio Ethics, and Room at the Inn. Thanks to our Life Director, our parish Respect Life Coordinator (wife of a Brother Knight) and Msgr. Ingham, as they work together to inform and lead us in pro-life activities and prayer.

OPERATION LAMB: As Knights, we traditionally organize Tootsie Roll fundraising events in the fall. We typically raise about $7,000 for charitable distribution for people with intellectual disabilities and special needs. Of this amount, $2,000 is donated to Wake County Special Olympics. We participate with other K of C Councils in distributing Operation Lamb grants to local non-profit organizations helping the intellectually handicapped in the Triangle community and across North Carolina.

SPECIAL OLYMPICS: Prior to the Pandemic about twenty of our members participated in the Special Olympics at nearby Ravenscroft School. We look forward to reengaging our support of Special Olympics in the coming year.